Students who plan to attend Montclair State University on a J-1 visa must provide the necessary financial documentation as soon as possible so we can issue the appropriate immigration forms for them. Please email all documents (see required documents below) to with a subject line:
Exchange Students: “DS-2019 Application Materials.”
Disney Program: “DS-2019 DISNEY Application Materials”
Important Documents:
Application for DS-2019 and Affidavit of Financial Resources
You must complete and submit the ENTIRE DS-2019 Application/Affidavit of Financial Resources. We cannot issue any official documents until we have received the entire signed application and affidavit. The affidavit must be signed and dated by the sponsor.
- DO NOT HANDWRITE – Only the signatures can be handwritten (note: an electronic signature can be used in lieu of a “wet” signature). All other fields must be typed.
- Email all of the following documents to
- Passport: Send a copy of the face-page of your passport.
- Visa: If you already have a valid visa (J-1 or otherwise) please send a copy of it with your passport.
- DS-2019 Application/Affidavit of Financial Resources: Download the fillable application form.
- Financial Documents: See sources of funding instructions below.
Please email all documents (see required documents below) to with a subject line of “DS-2019 Application Materials” or “DS-2019 DISNEY Application Materials”
The entire application must be completed, signed, and submitted in order for Montclair State University to issue a DS-2019.
- Page 1 – Montclair State University DS-2019 Application
- Complete the personal information and enrollment sections.
- Student is to sign and date at the bottom of the page.
- Page 2 – Affidavit of Financial Resources for Issuance of DS-2019
- Please see Montclair State University’s Study Abroad page for estimated expenses (does not include Disney College Program)
- The amount that your sponsor(s) is promising, must equal or exceed your total cost.
- Each sponsor must complete this form and must provide proof of available funds for the amount they will sponsor you for per year.
- See below for acceptable funding documents.
Please email all documents (see required documents below) to with a subject line of “DS-2019 Application Materials.”
Any combination of funds is acceptable as long as you demonstrate that you can cover the full cost of your stay (does not include Disney College Program- Disney students please refer to your email for program cost).
Support Documentation Guidelines
- Must be dated within the last three months
- Must have the name of account owner clearly listed
- Must be in English (or translated into English)
- Must state the account type (i.e. savings, checking, etc.)
- Must state the type of currency
Unacceptable Documents
- We do not accept investments, real estate, insurance policies, or pension funds
- Income tax forms, pay stubs, W2 forms
- Letters/solvency certificates saying ‘enough’ or ‘sufficient’ funds are available, or that ‘the holder is capable of supporting the student’
NOTE: Students applying for a J visa must have the original signed DS-2019 form.
Instructions for Receiving your Electronic DS-2019:
- Click here and login.
- Log in using your NetID and password.
- Click on the 3rd section, “My Requests.”
- Under “Documents”, you should see your signed DS-2019 document. Click on the hyperlink to view and download/print your DS-2019.
- Review your DS-2019 for accuracy.
- Do not forget to sign the bottom of the DS-2019 with blue pen after printing it. You will take the document to the visa office.
- Upon submission of all required documents, please allow 5-10 business days for your DS-2019 to be processed. Once available, you will receive an email with further instructions.
- Get some helpful tips about the student visa appointment.
- Any questions? Email